Dear Friends,
At ADSL, we are committed to providing the youth of Dorchester with resources to be healthy, active members of the community. We strive to provide the support that will allow children to grow into happy, successful adults, and to accommodate the evolving needs of this unique and wonderful community. We invite and encourage you to participate in this mission. Please take the time to learn more about us and get involved at ADSL
​Candice Gartley
Executive Director
Our Mission
ADSL provides quality programming for youth participants by building self-esteem, leadership skills and healthy lifestyles through athletic and academic achievement.

Our Goals
All Dorchester Sports & Leadership’s programs look to successfully address community needs. ADSL’s focus on sports, regular physical activity, nutrition and academic success encourages healthy habits and choices for our participants and their families. Additionally, we provide youth with an alternative to risky behaviors where they can excel by working on teams, build self esteem, develop leadership skills, and engage with positive role models and mentors. Today, 35% of the population in Dorchester lives below the poverty line and several Dorchester neighborhoods are considered to be underserved and with minimal resources. Our staff, volunteers, donors, and friends work daily to provide guidance for our youth and to encourage positive choices.